Blade and soul coming to ps4
Blade and soul coming to ps4

Blade & Soul may not be the most amazing MMO, but it's a fantastic action game on all fronts. There's a ton to be excited about here as someone who played with 250ms in China and Taiwan. Overall it was very refreshing to actually have NCWest communicating with players and being upfront with how they are going to approach the game. NCWest are hoping to make Blade & Soul an eSport in the West as it is in parts of the Eastern market.Signing up for the newsletter will give you an earlier chance to get into the first closed beta.NCWest staff will be communicative with players over social media (especially Twitter) in the months leading to beta.Some European language voiceovers will be available as well. Chinese and Korean voiceovers will be available.The NA server will be located in Texas and the EU server in Germany. NCWest will be handling both the North American and European versions of the game.Character models and designs will not be Westernized and there will be no censorship.There will be no fatigue system (as seen in the Chinese version).Blade & Soul will be free to play with no VIP system.Some of the community's biggest questions were answered, and here's the gist of what was said: NCWest community staff held a Blade & Soul stream earlier today to discuss the game's release and any changes it might be seeing in localization. Three years of silence and we are finally seeing some real communication as to the future of the game from NCWest. MassivelyOP broke the news yesterday as the official Blade & Soul site updated for the first time in nearly three years.

blade and soul coming to ps4

But here we are! It's 2015 and NCWest are finally coming out and telling us that yes, Blade & Soul is coming this year.

Blade and soul coming to ps4