Game cooking academy 1
Game cooking academy 1

game cooking academy 1

To solve the problem, the writer used cooking academy game as strategy to teach English vocabulary. So we need strategy to mastery the English vocabulary especially in cooking field. The English teacher in SMK Roudlotul Mubtadiin said that the tenth grade students still have difficulties to mastery English vocabulary and to use the correct vocabularies in daily conversation. Without vocabulary, students can not apply language well. Maulidiyah, Wahyu Lu’luilTeori dan praktek pendidikanEnglish is a global language that every side of human life usesfor communication, one of the important components of language is called vocabulary. Of Smk Roudlotul Mubtadiin In Academic Year 2015/2016

game cooking academy 1 game cooking academy 1

In Teaching English Vocabulary To The Tenth Grade Students

Game cooking academy 1