Pride of the core
Pride of the core

More likely to develop positive interpersonal relationships and to work as “team players,” and.

pride of the core

Better able to set, achieve and maintain high standards and goals,.More effective at tackling and overcoming work-oriented challenges,.More ambitious, energetic, focused and motivated,.We believe that this type of pride is strongly linked to job satisfaction and commitment and, in our experience, employees who feel a strong sense of pride in their work are also: We quickly realized that there are two distinct definitions of pride in workplaces – one form is taking pride in the work that they do, which employees develop when they feel good about themselves, trust in their abilities and are confident in managing the tasks and responsibilities expected of them. We started first with asking “what is employee pride anyway and is it important to work?” This question led us to look more deeply into the importance and role of pride within organizations.

pride of the core

As it turns out, their results were fairly low on this measure so they were wondering if building employee pride is something they should focus on. A client recently asked us whether, as part of their employee survey action planning, they should deliberately encourage their employees to take pride in working for their company.

Pride of the core